Combining multiple payments into one letter / Year-end letter

Deciding what information should be sent to Word
Click Tasks > Letters & Receipts and check the ‘Combine multiple payments in a single letter / Year End Letter’ check box.

In the ‘General’ tab

  • You can limit to Letters that have not been sent yet by leaving the ‘Not been sent yet’ checkbox checked.
    Important: for year-end letters, uncheck this. (Year-end letters include ALL payments, regardless if you already sent the donor a letter).
  • You can also limit to only those payments that you requested should get a letter/receipt – ‘GetReceipts’ checkbox.
  • For year-end letters, limit the ‘Date Range’ on the bottom left to ‘previous year’ or ‘current year’.
  • You can also limit to certain categories and/or subcategories on the ‘Category’ tab, and other options on the ‘Other’ tab 

Getting the information to Word
Click ‘OK’, and a window will come up asking you whether you’d like to work from an existing template/document or create a new document from scratch. In this tutorial we’ll be demonstrating only the first option to ‘Create a new Word Document (based on a Template)’.
Click the ‘Select Template’ button to select your template.
Important: the template to be selected is not your regular ‘Thank You’ letter template. You need to select the Template that has the <MultiLine> and <TotalAmount> fields (see below).

If you did not setup your personalized Template, chose our sample Template from C:\ Chabad Management System\ Sample Templates. Here is where we store our sample templates.
Click on ‘Multi’ and click open. Now click ‘OK’.

Working with the template in Word
When Word opens, you'll be on the Mailings tab. There you can insert fields by clicking "Insert Merge Field", view actual data and navigating through the records by clicking "Preview Results" and the < > arrows.
To finish the job, click "Finish & Merge."

Preparing a Word Template
As stated above, the resulting Mail Merge Document gets the information that CMS sends it. In order for the Document to work properly, the Template needs to have the proper fields. An example of the fields you would use in the Template would be:

  • <Name>
  • <Address>
  • <City>, <State> <ZipCode>
  • <Dear>
  • <TotalAmount>
  • <MultiLine>
These fields are typed as plain text into the Template. When CMS creates a new document based on the Template, the fields are converted into Mail Merge fields. 

MultiLine field and Tabs.
Of all the fields mentioned, the <MultiLine> field is the most interesting. It includes a tab-separated list of the donations with several fields (Date, Amount, etc.). For the list to be displayed in neat columns, Tab stops should be used. You can set the Tab stop positions and alignment for the paragraph that displays
the <MultiLilne> field by clicking Format > Tabs.

The sample template demonstrates the use of Tabs as well.