Online Donation form - Amount options

You can have either "radio buttons" or a drop-down choice for the amounts. A donor can either select an amount (from the radio button list or the drop-down) or enter any other amount.

The list of Amount options are completely user defined. You set this up using CMS CONNECTED's form design. There are two new fields: AmountsRadio and AmountsDropdown. Select a Donation form and click Edit Fields.

Be sure that only one of them are checked off as "Visible" and that neither of them are checked as "Required." (Checking required will cause the form not to submit properly).

To setup the amount option, click the Setup... button. (both setup buttons access the same amount list.)

The only field that is required is the Amount field. Use the Sort field to set the order on how the Amount options will come up on your form.
Description and Memo are optional. Both can come up on your form next to the Amount. You should experiment with these.

After adding these fields, be sure to adjust the IFrame Height so that the form will display properly. This is done in the HTML that you posted in to your website.

Here are some samples of how the form can be used:

Amounts with Description

Amounts with Description and Memo

Amounts Drop-down