Email Notification for Donation Forms

We upgraded the email notification that you receive when someone makes a donation on your CMS Connected Donate form.
Some of the improvements:

  • When you click Reply to the email, you will be replying to the person who submitted the donation if they included an email. Both the ReplyToName and ReplyToEmail fields are used for this purpose.
    This is now quite useful if you want to quickly send a personal email to the donor as soon as you get the notification email.
  • The email you receive is now formatted in nice clean html.
  • The field names that aren't relevant are not included in the email (e.g. useSame, btnSubmit)
  • Field names are changed to be more presentable (e.g. FirstName is changed to First Name, CardExpYear is changed to Expire Year, etc.)
Note: these changes only apply to the Donation type form. The Reservation type form has not (yet) been modified. 

For more information about our CMS Connected Online Forms for your website, please see the KB Articles linked below.