Built-in Thank-you Letters Improvements

If you are using the Built-in thank-you letters, here are some improvements you'll notice in the Customize Letters window.
(If you're using Word for your thank-you letters, this doesn't apply to you.)

Click Program Setup > Customize Letters.

In addition to the new look of this window, you'll notice the following improvements:
  • Window is resizeable
    You can drag the edges of this window and the letter text area will shrink and grow to fix the size of the window. This makes longer editing letters easier.
  • Letter Alignment
    Each letter can be aligned to the left or right.
  • Font and Size
    While in the past (previous versions), there was a general setting to set the font and size of all letters (Program Setup > Options > Style), you can now have this set for each individual letter. By default, all letters have the font and size as it is in your general options.
  • Show Hebrew Date
    This too was, in previous versions, a general option which applied to all letters. You can now set this for each letter.
  • Edit, Save, Delete and Cancel buttons
    These buttons make editing the letters easier and help avoid accidental modification of the letter text. To edit a letters, click the Edit button. You can then click Save to save the letter text or click Cancel to undo your changes. Click Delete to delete a letter.
  • Last Updated
    This field will show you when the letter was last modified.
  • Filter and Select Letter
    You can choose to only view letters of a certain type (Thank-you, Pledge, etc.). You can also "jump" directly to a particular letter by choosing it from the select Letter drop-down.
Also new for the built-in letters is an option to choose the Receipt Stub border. This applies to all thank-you type letters.
Choices are: Transparent, Solid, Dashes, Short Dashes, Dots, Sparse Dots, Dash Dot, Dash Dot Dot, and Double Solid.
Click Program Setup > Options > Letters/Receipt tab.