Show Splits

When viewing Bills, the default view is not to Show Splits.

When not showing splits:

  • Each invoice takes up just one line.
  • If the invoice is split into multiple subcategories, the word "(Multiple)" will be displayed after the category name.
  • Each line will display the total bill, total paid and total due.
  • The date of the bill will be shown, not the date due.
  • Filtering can only be done based on Category.
  • Letter button is disabled. (Letter is related to the individual line item, not the bill as a whole).

When showing splits:

  • Each invoice takes up as many lines as it has splits.
  • Each line will display the date due, category and subcategory.
  • Filtering can be done based on category and subcategory.
  • Letter button is enabled. (Letter will only include the individual split that is selected).