You can generate bulk or personal emails using a prepared email that in your Outlook's Draft folder. This is very useful for generating any email that you don't want to copy and paste (especially when you're breaking the email up into groups –see Program Setup > Options > Other tab).
First prepare your email and save a draft of it in the Outlook Drafts folder. (If you're using IMAP, you need to save the draft in the local Drafts folder, not the draft in your email's IMAP) Once the draft is saved, click Reports > Contacts, choose Output: Email. Make sure to check the "Use saved email in Outlook's Draft folder" check box. Click OK. Select the Draft Email and click Select. (If you're breaking the email into groups, you may -- depending on the outlook version -- need to click Yes to confirm each group as its being sent.
Trouble logging in? Simply enter your email address OR username in order to reset your password.
For faster and more reliable delivery, add to your trusted senders list in your email software.