File Locations

Click on Tools>Options and then select the File Locations tab. Here is where you choose all the default template locations as well as folders where you store pictures, sounds and backups.


Default envelope Word template:
Select if you would like to use Word for envelopes by checking off the appropriate checkbox and enter the name and location of the default template. Click on the file icon on the right to browse for a template on your computer.

Default labels Word Template, Default yahrtzeit letter Word template, Default birthday letter Word template, and Default notice of donation letter Word template:
Enter the name and location of the default templates. Click on the file icon on the right to browse for a template on your computer.

Sound Folder:
Check off the box if you would like to provide feedback with sound. Enter the name and location of the sound folder where all the sounds will be stored and accessed from. Click on the file icon on the right to browse for a folder on your computer. The default folder is C:\Chabad Management System\Sounds.

Picture Folder:
Enter the name and location of the folder where all the pictures will be stored and accessed from. Click on the file icon on the right to browse for a folder on your computer.

Backup Folder:
You can choose whether to automatically backup the data when you close the program by checking the appropriate checkbox. It is highly recommended that you backup your data frequently and this is an easy way to make sure that your data is always backed up. Enter the name and location of the folder where these backups will be store. Click on the file icon on the right to browse for a folder on your computer.

CD Drive Letter:
Enter the letter of your CD drive here. This is used for backing up your data to CD by using the File menu.

Location of Active CMS Data File:
Not pictured here. 'Tell' CMS where your data file is located. See here for more information.