Export emails for Constant Contact

Firstly, for best integration with CMS, we recommend using MyChabad.org Communicator.
Please click here to see how to set up MyChabad.org Communicator in CMS.

Export Names and Emails for later importing to Constant Contact
  • Click Reports>Contacts.
  • On the Report tab, AFTER changing the Output to 'Export' there will be an option for 'Export Phone/Fax/Emails only'.
    Doing this will force a separate record for each email address.

  • Optionally, you can limit this email broadcast to specific contacts on the various other tabs.
    Please see Contact Report for more details.
  • Go to the columns tab and select the email types you wish to include in this email broadcast
  • Click OK
  • Once the file is saved, it will open in Excel. You can now remove any columns that are not needed in Constant Contact.
    For more information on importing into Constant Contact, please contact them directly.

If you change the 'Report Type' (on the Report tab (pictured above)), to 'Family' you will then get individual family member names for their respective emails.

Note: This relies on having each email address associated to the individual explicitly.
See Phone, Fax and Email Options