Create a Program of Non-donors

This is a tutorial on how to create a new program/list with all your non-donors.

  1. Go to the 'Programs' tab in the 'Contact View' and click on 'View Programs' on the top right.


    Click the New Program button to create a new program. You will be prompted for a name for the program. Be sure not to enter a name that is already in use for another program. Let's call this program "Non-Donors".
  2. Click View List View to see your contacts in a list view.


    Click the 'Check All' button and then click the 'Update Program'.

  3. This will open the 'Manage Programs' tool.


    Select the "Non-Donors" program from the top drop-down or use the 'Choose Program' button.
    Select the 'Update based on Selected Names' radio button.
    Click 'Update'.


    Click 'Yes'.
    Now all your contacts are in our "Non-Donors" program

  4. Go back to the Manage Programs tool (Tools>Manage Programs) Select the "Non-Donors" program from the top drop-down or use the 'Choose Program' button.
    This time select the 'Update based on Transactions' radio button.


    Change the 'Update to' drop-down to 'No' (middle right side).
    Select the 'Type of Transaction' - 'Payments' and highlight the 'Donation' category.
    Click update.

You are now left with a program that includes only contact who have not given you any payments in the 'Donation' category.
(You can repeat the last few steps to exclude other transaction types and/or other categories.)