10.1.18 Camp Module New Feature | Integrated and Simplified Lunch, Swim & Exteneded Care Tracking

You can now automatically track and bill for Swimming, Lunch, Extended Care and Transportation. 

No longer do you have to work around creating "bunks" for Swimming and Extended Care.

Tuition Plans are much easier because you avoid having to create the many different plans for the various possibilities.


Here's how it works.

  1. Set up your Swim, Lunch, Extended Care and Transportation
    Click Tools > Options > Camp/School and click on the appropriate button for any of the above (Ext. Care, Transportation, etc.)
    You can set up different levels of swimming and lunch selections (Groups). You can also set up different groups for Extended care and Transportation (buses or destinations).
    For each Group, you enter an Amount. This is the fee per session that you are billing. If you are not charging for the Group, enter $0.
  2. Set up your Tuition plan
    Click the Tuition Plan button and indicate the Subcategory for each of the above (Swim, Lunch, etc). If you don't have Subcategories for these items, you should create them in the Category Manager (Tools menu).
    Having a Subcategory for each of these items will make the billing and payment organized. You can use the same Subcategory for these items. For example, you may choose to use the Extended Care Subcategory for both AM and PM Ext Care.
  3. Enter Enrollments
    In the Campers screen, click New Enrollment. Notice the extra fields available for tracking Transportation, Extended Care, Swimming and Lunches.
    The bill that is automatically created will reflect the options you choose and will be calculated accordingly, based on the number of sessions you are enrolling the camper and based on which items you are choosing.
  4. Reports
  5. Enrollment Reports can include these fields (Transportation, Ext Care, etc.), they can be sorted and grouped by these fields as well.

We hope that these new features will help make using the Camp Module even better and we welcome your continued feedback.


Improvement implemented in version 10.1.8 Camp/School Version 4.4

Note: In implementing this feature, Transportation Stops, Drivers, and Notes have been depreciated. If you have data in these fields that you must have, you should export this data before updating.


For more information about the Camp and School modules, see http://support.chabadms.com/KB/c3/campschool.aspx and http://www.chabadms.com/userguide/ under Optional Modules