10.10.10 Improvement | Contact View Full Screen

This improvement drastically increases the user friendliness of CMS in that it takes advantage of today's larger monitors and screen resolutions. If you were lowering your screen resolution to make the main screen of CMS somewhat bigger, you can now use your computers recommended setting and have CMS utilize your larger screen.

Even not maximized, the Contact View is about 50% larger that it was previously, making it more readable and user friendly. When maximizing the window, important elements will stretch to fill the screen. For example: with a screen resolution of 1280 x 1024, the Transaction list can stretch to display about 3 times the number of transactions than it did previously. 

Future updates will continue this trend for other areas of the program.

This improvement has been implemented in CMS version 10.10.10.

This version of CMS moving forward requires a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768. For best performance we recommend the vertical resolution of 864.