Windows Update Tuesday 8/14/2012 causes issues in CMS

UPDATE: 3/18/2013
Workaround listed below should NOT be used. Rather, see UPDATE: CMS Program not starting after installing Windows/Office Updates for the Microsoft Hot fix.


Windows Updates that are installed on Patch Tuesday Causes Issues in CMS

Some of the symptoms are:
  • CMS won't start. Error "Object or Class does not support properties..." or similar message #429.
  • In CMS, any interaction with Lists don't work. This includes:
    1. Double-clicking a payment on the Transaction tab
    2. Sorting lists by clicking on their column header
    3. Checking or Unchecking list rows in the List View to manually select names.
    4. Creating a Deposit in the Bank Account Register when checking which payments to deposit.
    5. And much more.
  • Other areas in CMS are also likely affected. However, a full list is not being provided due to the urgent nature of this issue and the need to get the word out as fast as possible.
Basically, without correcting this issue, MANY areas of the program will not work properly or at all!

Please take the following steps to correct this issue.
(Note: only do this if you are experiencing these or similar issues.)
  1. Run a Repair for Microsoft Office 2010. If you're using Access Runtime 2010, do a Repair for Microsoft Access Runtime 2010.
  2. Run a Repair for Chabad Management System.
Doing the above varies on the version of Windows you are using. Below are the instructions for Windows 7.
  • Click Start > Control Panel
  • Choose View by: Category, Click Program > "Programs and Features".
    (if you're viewing by Large or Small Icons, you can click directly on "Programs and Features")
  • Select Microsoft Office 2010 or Microsoft Access Runtime 2010 and click Change. Then click Repair. Click Continue ...
  • Select Chabad Management System and click Repair.
When repairing Chabad Management System, if you get a message that "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable." (or similar), this means that you don't have the CMS Install files saved to your computer, or they were moved to a different location.
You'll need to download the CMS Installation file anew from the support website. 
Click, Login, then click Downloads (don't download the demo)... When installing it, you'll be prompted to Remove or Repair, choose Repair.

If you are prompted to restart your computer, please do so.

If you are still having an issue with this, please open a support ticket at or email for assistance.

Other References that describe this general issue