New Version 17.1.1 available for download

This version is CMS Cloud compatible
For more information about CMS Cloud, and to sign up for a demo, please visit 

To update to this latest version, please login to
 and click Downloads...

  • Bug Fix: Labels for Thank-you letters now correctly pick up the user defined font and font size specified under Program Setup > Options > Style. (Prior to this fix, only labels generated by a Contact Report worked as expected, but Thank-you letters used Arial Narrow 11 regardless of this setting).

  • Bug Fix: Adding Transaction columns to the List View and filtering by Subcategory did not work correctly. (Filtering by Category was working). This has now been corrected.
    You can add amount totals to the List View by clicking the Choose Fields button and then specifying criteria on the Transactions tab.

  • MailChimp Integration has been upgraded to be compatible with  their current API. Please note that MailChimp's old API is no longer support by MailChimp and may stop working suddenly without warning. If you are experiencing any issues with integrating with MailChimp, please ensure that you are using CMS version 17.1.1 or later.
    Other than how the responses are received for emails that MailChimp rejected (for whatever reason) there should be no visible change in using the MailChimp integration. 
    For details on this feature, as well as setup instructions, please see this KB article.
    As part of this upgrade we will no longer be supporting thank-you letters via MailChimp.

  • CMS Connected now checks for and downloads updates to the CMS program automatically when it starts up. If a new version of CMS is available, you'll be prompted to install it. If you choose yet, it automatically downloads (to the Data\Install folder). You can also easily check for CMS Program Updates by clicking the "Check for Program Updates" menu.