New version 17.6.11 available for download

This version is CMS Cloud compatible
If you aren't using it yet, what are you waiting for?! Get started today at no cost and no risk.

To update to this latest version, please login to
 and click Downloads...
  1. Programs
    Support for sub-programs has been added to the Quick Program selection so that you can see the full path all the program and the parent program when selecting it.
    For details on Quick Programs in general, please see this KB Article.

  2. Program tab
    List width issue has been corrected. When programs (and sub-programs) don't fit in list, the length is preceded by "..." and the full name is visible when selecting the item and hovering your mouse over it.

  3. Thank-you letters
    We added the additional field, NumericAmount (and NumericTotalAmount, for "Combine payments...") when exporting and word merging. This allows for easy sort and filtering based on the numeric amount field.

  4. CMS Cloud - NCOA
    CMS Cloud integration is now compatible with TecMailing NCOA. When addresses are updated, CMS Cloud also gets updated as well.

  5. New Communicator API
    Compatibility with the new Communicator API has been added to CMS. While everything stays the same, you do need to obtain an API Key from your Communicator account and insert it into CMS. (The old Authorization Key that was used in previous versions will no longer work.) Details on using Communicator Integration can be found here.

    1. In your Communicator account, click the API & Integration, then click Create New Key.
    2. In CMS, click Program Setup > Options > Custom tab. Click the Settings button for "Communicator Integration" and paste (CTL + V) in your API Key.

  6. MailChimp Integration Bug Fix
    We corrected a bug where CMS would shut down when attempting to use MailChimp Integration. Details on using MailChimp integration can be found here.

  7. Thank-you Letters PDF/Email (BETA)
    A New Feature where you can send Thank-you letters by email pdf attachments is being implemented. It's in the early stages now and is not suitable to be used yet. We are including it in the release only to receive your feadback and comments about this exciting development.

    You will notice this option on the Tasks > Letters and Receipts tab.
    When this is completed, you will be able to send email using the built-in letters (not word merge), directly to email as pdf attachments. Adobe Professional is not needed for this to work. We'll keep you posted when this feature is completed.