New version 17.6.25 Available for download

This version is CMS Cloud compatible
If you aren't using it yet, what are you waiting for?! Get started today at no cost and no risk.

To update to this latest version, click CMS Connected > Check for Program Updates, or login to
 and click Downloads...
  1. CMS Connected Forms Security Enhancement
    We have implemented an additional security measure that would prevent a hacker from submitting (posting) to your form using an automated process.While no protection is perfect, we believe that having this security feature in place will further deter the bad guys and have them find easier targets.
    If you have not done so yet, please set up your Fraud Protection in

  2. CMS Connected Forms - Custom Other Amount
    Created an option for not having an 'Other' amount option. This option is available for the AmountsRadio and AmountsDropdown fields for Donation and Reservation type forms. You can also customize the 'Other' text. For example, you may want to use 'Choose Other Amount'.

  3. New Feature: PDF Emails
    You can now generate your thank-you letters via PDF and Email. No longer do you need to use Word Merge, or be limited to the design restrictions of the built-in letters. This new feature opens up whole new area of efficiency and professionalism when it comes to sending out your thank-you letters.
    A detailed KB Article describing this new feature can be found here.

  4. CMS Cloud Full Version is now available. Do you need access to your CMS anywhere and from any device? If so, CMS Cloud Full Version may be exactly what you're looking for. To try it out, please create a login to the Public Demo and explore it.