New Version 20.3.25 - Required for Paryix (SplashPayments) Integration

IMPORTANT: This update is required for Parix Integration. See below.
(Payrix was formally known as SplashPayments.)
The due date for this upgrade is 3/31/2020.
To update to this latest version, login to CMS Connected and click Check for Program Updates.
Or login to
 and click Downloads...
This update primarily is to maintain compatibility with Payrix's new API requirements. 
It also includes other minor fixes and improvements.
If you are using CMS with Parix integration, you must upgrade ASAP.
Using the integration with Parix (formally SplashPayments) and an older version of CMS (prior to 20.3.25) will cause an error when processing a card. Even with the error, the card is in fact charged, but the record is not saved to CMS. Because of this, you might mistakenly charge the card again (and again...) causing duplicate charges, additional fees, and possible charge-backs by customers (if the duplicates are not cancelled or refunded)...
The CMS Servers that handle your online form submissions via CMS Connected have already been upgraded to be fully compatible with this change.
It is your CMS software (that is installed to your computer) that needs updating to version 20.3.25.
We know that this is bad timing. We worked with Payrix and encouraged them to postpone their changes to the API until after Pesach and after Caronavirus, but the best we were able to do was to gain a small window of time.
The due date for this upgrade is 3/31/2020.
If you are using Payrix and need help installing the upgrade, please let us know (