New Version 21.5.2 Available for download

To update to this latest version, login to CMS Connected and click Check for Program Updates.
Or login to
 and click Downloads...
Looking to upgrade to CMS Cloud and have access to your data on any computer or device?
Please email for assistance.
Below is a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes in this release.
If you aren't using website integration yet, you can start with a free CMSPay account with Payrix.
To get started, Click Program Setup > Options > Credit Cards.
  • Donation forms matched based on phone/email option.
    When downloading submission to your website, matches are now automatically done based on Phone and Email. Turn on this setting under Program Setup > Options > Custom tab.
  • Advanced matching logic added to Reservation type forms.
    This includes the popular "zip and street number" only option for addresses, and the new phone/email option. 
  • Edit Submission prior to importing
    When clicking Edit Submission, a new window comes up which allows you to edit mostly any part of the submission including the name and address. This is extremely useful if a donor submitted messy data that needs cleaning up and saves the extra step in having to remember and go to the record afterwards to fix it up.
  • Donor Covered Processing Fees
    This feature, released last year, now has a management interface where you can turn this feature on or off on any form, as well as customize the fee percentage and the message.
  • Custom fields in donation form now show field names in email confirmation.
    In the past, custom fields would show their internal name (Custom1, Custom2, etc.) in the email confirmation you receive. With this improvement, the labels assigned to them are used.
  • Instant Remote Assistance directly from within CMS. 
    On the Home Tab, click the Remote Assistance button and enter a code we provide you with. We can connect to your computer to provide assistance in seconds.
  • Deposits: filter by Organization
    In the Bank Register, when searching for Payments to add to a Deposit, you can now limit the undeposited items to an Organization. This is very useful if you're working with multiple Organizations.
  • Added defaults for Adult Education and Friendship Circle Reports 
    • Exclude Contacts that are marked as Off List
    • Exclude Members that are checked as Deceased.
    • Exclude Addresses that are checked as No Mail.
You can override these defaults on the "Other" tab.
  • SequelPay now returns specific messages descriptions for declines.
    Insufficient Funds, Invalid Account Number, General Decline. These are sometimes helpful in determining if the decline is temporary or permanent.
  • Fixed "Enter Parameter Value" error when generating build-in Labels and Envelopes for Invoices and Statements.
  • Fixed issue when Importing Reservations it now correctly limits the import to the selected form only. If no form is selected, all forms are imported.
  • Fixed issue where PS would not wrap on PDF Receipts: PS field in PDF now wraps to next line as expected.
  • Fixed issue when clicking Open File on history tab. Error message: file does not exist.
  • Fixed issue where the child email address entered on the Student/Camper view would not appear in the child email on the Main screen.
    Note: for any email addresses entered in the Student/Camper view and not showing up after this upgrade, please contact tech support for assistance in restoring this data.