New Version 19.5.20 Available for download

To update to this latest version, login to CMS Connected and click Check for Program Updates.
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Important: Starting with CMS version19.4.3 Access 2016 or Access 2016 Runtime is required. If you have been using Access 2013, you need to remove it and install Access Runtime 2016.
What's New
  • New Feature: Sending True SMS
    You've asked and we've delivered! You can now send real SMS directly from CMS. There is no need to know the recipient's mobile carrier. This is entirely integration with the Contact Report where you can select SMS Text Messages as the output, and boom (!) in seconds, you send out hundreds of Text Messages.
    Please review details on this feature, including Terms, Fees and more in these KB Articles.
  • Bug Fix: Word Merges using Word 2013 or 2010 now work as expected
    We have restored the ability to generate Word Merges even if you are using an older version of Word. Behind the scenes the merge technology is working differently, but for you, all looks and works the same. Simply choose Word Merge as the output and you can expect Word to automatically open linked to the data.
  • In Development: Communicator Integration Update
    We continue to experience issues with consuming the API for ChabadOne's Communicator and are working closely with ChabadOne on resolving the issue.
    Presently, we continue to recommend the workaround we posted here.
    Our hope is to resolve the issues very soon and we will post an update as soon possible.
  • Deprecated: OneCallNow Integration
    It was good while it lasted, but we are sorry to announce that we will no longer be supporting integration with OneCallNow for robocalls. We are in the midst of implementing integration with a different provider to be announced.
  • Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements
    Many other bug fixes and tweaks have been completed in this release.