Pledge Letters

Generate a letter associate with a Bill or Pledge

When creating the bill, (or if the bill is already created, when editing the bill,) you can click select a pledge letter from the 'letter' drop-down.

If you are choosing to send a bill via Word, you can select any pledge letter, but you have to select a letter in order for CMS to "know", that you wish to send a letter based on this bill.

If you don't have any letters in this drop-down, Go to Tools>Customize Letters and create a new letter and make sure change the 'Letter Type' (top right) to 'Pledge'.

Once this is done, go to Reports>Batch>Letters & Receipts and select the 'Pledge' radio button in the 'Type of letters' section. (Optionally, you can select other criteria and the various tabs.)

If you would like to use the built in letters, set the 'Output' (top right) to 'Screen'; if you'd like to Word Merge these letters then change the 'Output' to 'Word Merge'.

Alternatively, you can send an individual letter using the 'Send Invoice'/'Send Letter' button on the right of the 'Transaction' tab, when viewing Bills. The 'Send Letter' option is available by clicking on the little drop-down arrow next to the 'Send Invoice' button. This button will either bring up the built in pledge letter, or start the Work merge process, depending on your settings on the top of the Letters/Receipts tab in Tools>Options.

Various KB articles that can be of more assistance: